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Salone 2012 News: Time sofa

ogni giorno, tutti i giorni. L’ora giusta per il relax la decidete voi. La seduta è come scivolata al suo posto tra i comodi braccioli inclinati, e a sostenerla una struttura sospesa da terra, poggiata ai lati su piedi a ponte. Stabile negli anni per uno stile senza tempo. by Francesco Cremonese  gustatevi queste prime … Continue Reading

Le Cronache di Pianca: Agenti Italia

Agenti di tutta Italia unitevi! non è la prima nè sarà sicuramente l’ultima volta, tuttavia per noi questa riunione ha un valore del tutto speciale perchè è la prima a comparire su questo blog. pressapoco la faccenda si è svolta nel seguente modo: h:7,00 ci si trova per terminare la presentazione h: 10.00 tutti pronti, o … Continue Reading

Novità Salone 2012: Tavolo Delta

Delta Table. Aesthetics and technology. Leaning on a central extended timber, its beauty and balance is emphasized by the glassy and transparent surface. It shines on trestle legs, fresh of steel or warm in wood. The design permits a real stability and realizes a innovative style. Light, beyond the mirror. copy by Francesco Cremonese The two … Continue Reading

Time to market? Yes we can

Sure it won’t be easy, but, as Gene Wilder used to say in one of my favourite movies: It could work! No no, what we’re talking about is not to bring back to life a dead monster, nothing related to fantasy and psynce fiction but something absolutely real: time to market and immediate delivery. Furniture … Continue Reading

Pianca on air on la 5… and on line!

table 3… camera……ACTION! This time we broke the rules. We’re going into Television. ‘Cause what matters is what to do, not the media used to do that.  Andrea Castrignano has a big audience, people not exactly into the furniture industry. Actually what he does is similar to what we want to do through the these blog … Continue Reading

Countdown, Milano 2012 good news

Less than a month to the  Salone Internazionale del Mobile di Milano. This are crazy days, everyone is busy  (where busy is an euphemism), the chance is perfect to tell you about this  hard working days and share the interior design’s world. Racing against time for close project, news, catalogues, etc… …sametimes stay calm isn’t easy… … Continue Reading

Siamo diventati verdi!

The Pianca’s green politics reach a new goal, this is the welcome to a summer 100% eco. “I can proudly say that in Roverbasso’s Factory we reach the full self-sufficiency in energy by the photovoltaic “, said Aldo Pianca, the president of the brand. Years ago the company starts a project for  an energy conversion  and a complete eco … Continue Reading